About Us

Beaudn & Soul is a small, family ran business with a big dream and a whole lot of heart.

Beaudn, named after our late Buster, (Beau, BoBo) who was adopted from a local shelter in 2011. Buster was an absolute gentle giant that protected every ounce of his family and his other two pittie sisters! He was a Plot Hound / Pit Mix, who unfortunately passed around the age of 8 years old in November of 2019. &soul is to signify the deep awareness of the suffering of another. Which goes directly into the philosophy of which this brand was built upon.

The shelter/pet adoption community is full of wonderful, selfless, and caring people who want to change the lives of animals and hopefully help change common misconceptions about shelter animals. Anyone who is passionate about adopting, rescuing and/or fostering is familiar with the extra care, attention and love shelter pets often need. We are commited to spreading awareness not just about adopting, but rescue animals in general. And what better way than on apparel to showcase and spread awareness? So please join the movement! Begin your journey by simply putting your loving rescuing heart on your sleeve.. literally!

Our Mission

It is our absolute goal to give a respectable percentage of proceeds to different shelters/rescues in need all over the US! They need every bit of help they can get! It will of course take some time for us to get into a position where it's that great of a donation but we all have to start somewhere! As we start fulfilling our hopes and dreams we are initially committed to 25% of all sales donated to NO KILL shelters on a quarterly basis. We truly admire our supporters and are graciously thankful for your support into the world of wild wild rescue! 

We thank you all so much for the support!

If you haven't already, please join us on Instagram and/or Facebook!
